The Law of Attraction is a mindset where positive thoughts result in positive outcomes. By imagining oneself achieving goals, and envisioning plans towards those goals, this philosophy is said to help people achieve their wildest dreams.

The Law of Manifestation

This law states the object of our constant focus will manifest in our lives, irrespective of whether it is positive or not. All our thoughts and feelings are mirrored in the world around us, making our minds an incredibly powerful tool.

The Law of Magnetism

This law helps us understand what has happened in our lives until now and what the possibilities will be in the future.

The Law of Unwavering Desire

This law explains why some of our desires remain unfulfilled. Unflinching desire is the basic requirement for a successful manifestation.

The Law of Delicate Balance

When the elements are in balance in us, we are in a happy, peaceful, and content state of mind. Only at this stage can we manage to raise our energy vibrations to match up to that of our desires and manifest them into our lives.

The Law of Harmony

Everything in the universe is interconnected through energy sources. We must align ourselves with energy circulating through the universe to derive maximum benefit.

The Law of Right Action

Our words and actions have a butterfly effect on the world around us. And they come right back to us in the end. This means, how we behave and treat others directly influences our own lives. By choosing the right path, offering a helping hand to the needy, or just by being a good human being, we can attract more positivity and good things into our lives.

The Law of Universal Influence

This law tells us to be aware of the implications of our thoughts and feelings, as well as our words and actions.






The Head Up Trustees are taking part in a number of fundraising activities over the next two years. All four founders and trustees are fully committed to the charity and to prove their commitment they are all putting themselves out there to raise as much money as possible.

Fundraise for Head Up and join us today!




Mental Health Support For UK Military Personnel in UK and Hertfordshire

 Mental Health Support For UK Military Personnel in UK and Hertfordshire

 Mental Health Support For UK Military Personnel in UK and Hertfordshire



Mental Health Support For UK Military Personnel in UK

Paul Minter


George Dagnall



Simon Moloney CGC


Adam Carrier



Mental Health Support For UK Military Personnel in UK and Hertfordshire

 Mental Health Support For UK Military Personnel in UK and Hertfordshire

 Mental Health Support For UK Military Personnel in UK and Hertfordshire